N&T Hogan Construction Limited commenced work on site in Skerries Community College in October 2023.
This consisted of a 4,500 cube meter reduced dig to formation level. This material had to be removed off site and disposed. Prior to removal, the material had to be tested to ensure no contamination was present.
During the construction, we discovered a water main which required a diversion. This entailed cutting and rediverting, testing and chlorinating.
Following removal of all excavated material, we proceeded to prepare for retaining wall foundations. This involved excavation, placing of steel and concrete pour.
N & T Hogan Construction Limited then constructed a dry wall retaining system in order to complete the project within the time limits. This wall was constructed in two days as opposed to the traditional method which can take a considerable amount of time.
We then started the foundations for five modular units which consisted of three general purpose classrooms, a home economics room and an art room.
The installation of the modular units was completed within three days.
Following installation of units N & T Hogan Construction Limited proceeded to complete all external finishes. This consisted of storm water, foul, water main, grading of stone to levels, kerbing, eco-channels and wheelchair ramps.
Nearing completion, N & T Hogan Construction Limited were requested to upgrade the existing carpark. This works had to be completed within the same timeline which was achieved. Works consisted off removal and disposal of existing tar, regrading sub-base, installation of the new macadam and line marking.
This site was very challenging due to the close proximity of private dwelling houses. Because of our experienced employees, we were able to control and liaise with all parties to ensure everyone was satisfied throughout the works. N & T Hogan Construction Limited received written appreciation noting the level of professionalism carried out at all times during the project.
To ensure this project was completed in a timely manner, N & T Hogan Construction Limited had the following plant in operation:
- 2 x 13-tonne Excavators
- 1 8-tonne Excavator
- 1 3-tonne Excavator
- 1 9-tonne dumper
The overall project was completed in early March 2024. This was two weeks ahead of schedule. The hand over demonstration was held with the design team. No snags were reported and all parties were very satisfied with the completed project.